Counselling sets out to increase a person's feelings of self-worth, enable them to become more like the person they want to be, and them become a fully functioning person.

Coaching involves asking wise questions that will encourage a client to open up, reflect, commit to action, improve their performance and innovate

What is Counselling? 

Counselling should provide a caring relationship and a clarity about moving from crisis to a place where a client can cope

Counselling will involve a process of learning to change to meet the demands of a changing world. This means facilitating a process of positive change in a client's mindset and behaviours involving:

  • Dealing with the past.
  • Changing behaviours in the present
  • Building a new future
  • Always centring on the client, their choices, and their development.

Also most importantly, a good, trusting relationship must be created and maintained. Everything that occurs in a counselling session is confidential and remains so, between the client and counsellor.

Underlying the counselling sessions should be a process that will guide the client towards an ability to confront and cope with their circumstances both in the here and now and the future. One such process would comprise:

  • where are you now
  • where would you like to be 
  • how do you get there

The client always decides what issues to address, in which order, and how fast. Usually, the counsellor will only ask questions that influence the direction of the conversation.  However, there are occasions when the counsellor will choose to introduce a helpful technique, explaining its purpose and form.

These techniques could include ways of dealing with intrusive memories, relaxation exercises, rehearsal of upcoming situations, and more.

The substance of the counselling sessions focus on feelings, memoires, aspirations, and barriers to progress 

What is Coaching ? 

CHANGE IS HARD individually or as an organisation or family.  Ask any individual who has tried to switch careers, develop a new skill, improve a relationship, or break a bad habit. And yet for most people, change will at some point be necessary—a critical step toward fulfilling your potential and achieving your goals, both at work, in your community and at home. You will sometimes need support with this process. You'll need a coach. 

A big part of a coach’s job is to help people experiment with new behaviours, test
different tactics, and then practice and perfect those that prove most effective. 

A coaching process involves moving between phases like:

  • where are you now
  • where would you like to be 
  • what do you have to do to get there 
  • how do I make this happen

subsequently, client and counsellor would review these planed commitments to action

– were they done, how did they go, what next.

Contact: Michael Boud  P: 07823 759492